React Getting Started

Why React!

  • A javascript library for building user interfaces

  • React is small, not a complete solutions

  • UI are everywhere

  • React is declarative

  • Declarative for dynamic data

    How exactly is not being a framework a good thing?

  • Many smart decisions

  • Focus in application level

  • Disadvantages about framework

    • Limited flexibility
    • Hard to deviate
    • Large and full of features
  • Philosophy

    • Write programs that do one thing and do it well.
    • Write programas to work together.
    • Write programas to handle text streams, bacause that is a universal interface.
    • A language to model the state of UIs, not the transactions on them


  1. Components

    • Like functions
    • Input: props,state | Output: UI
    • Reusable and composable
    • COmponent /
    • Can manage a private state
  2. Reactive update

    • React will react
    • Take update to the browser
  3. Virtual views in memory

    • Generate HTML using Javascript
    • Tree reconciliation
  4. Function Component

    const MyComponent = (props) => {

    return (<domElementOrComponent ... />)


    props dont change

  5. Class COmponent


        extends React.Component {
        render() {
            return (<dome ../>)

    states changes

  6. JSX is Not HTML

React Component

Js Complete for this part

  • Install React DevTools Extension

  • JSX to JS (babel)

    < div> Hello React < /div> React.createElement("div",null,'Hello React!')

  • React has some rules uppercase in first letter

    < Button /> !== < button />

  • React has a special function useState()

    return [ 
        state object getter (getter),
        updater function (setter)

    useState called hook

  • Why does react not work with sibling tag?

    Is because each one of these elements get translated to function call

    • Use array in dynamic way

      [< Button />,< Display />]
    • Use the children of another React element

      < div>
          < Button />
          < Display />
      < /div>
    • Use a special object enclose multiple children

      < React.Fragment >{...children} < React.fragment />
      <> {...children}</>
  • One way flow of data

    Parents components can flow their data down to children components. Parents component can also flow down behavior to children

  • Responsibility

    Important decision, where to define state?

    Down in a tree as close as possible to the children who need to acces that value on the state.

Components Reusability